
NextGen offers excellent partnership opportunities for qualifying organizations in the following areas:

I. Strategic Partnership

The strategic partnership provides software and service providers with a platform to directly contribute to the development of solutions to industry challenges and priorities, in addition to the hub of networking opportunities for companies aspiring to be a global leader in "next generation" of IT Products and Services.

II. Integration Partners

NextGen offers the best-in-class solutions to our customers and in doing so, NextGen is ready to work with companies that bring complementary software integration skills in implementing high-end enterprise-scale solutions at client sites.

III. Technology partners

NextGen believes that next generation of technologies will shape the future of this world. We intend to be working with companies who are leaders of cutting-edge technologies - .Net, Java, Web 2.0, Web Services etc.

For more info or to become a partner of NextGen, please contact us by phone or by email -